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Proceeding International Conference on Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya
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2024: the 7 th International Conference of Health Polytechnic Surabaya (ICoHPS)
2024: the 7 th International Conference of Health Polytechnic Surabaya (ICoHPS)
Development of an Instrument for the Early Detection of Intellectual Retardation in Children: A Comprehensive Approach for Parents
Nurwening Tyas Wisnu, Triana Septianti Purwanto, Lembunai Tat Alberta, Nur Hasanah
The Relationship Between Mothers' Knowledge About the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) With Child Growth and Development at the Posyandu Baugenvile Sabandar Village, Karangtengah Subdistrict, Cianjur District
Fia Sofiati, Lisa Nurhaliza
Adolescent Behavior in the Prevention of Drug Abuse at Vocational School Negeri 1 Labang Bangkalan
Baiq Dewi Harnani R, Asnani, Bambang Heriyanto
Description of Knowledge about Dental Hygiene in Fourth Grade Students of SDN Banyu Urip II Surabaya in 2023
Dwi Intan Pertiwi, Imam Sarwo Edi, Sunomo Hadi
Self Control Model in Drug Abuse Behavior in Adolescents at State Vocational School 1 Labang Bangkalan
Baiq Dewi Harnani R, Asnani, Bambang Heriyanto
The Effect of Melon Seeds (Cucumismelo L.) On Reducing TSS (Total Suspended Solid) Levels of Tahu Industrial Waste Water, Tawangrejo Village Takeran District Magetan District
Dila Nur Khoirani, Sri Poerwati, Hery Koesmantoro, Sunaryo, Waella Septamari Budi
Development of a Model of Pregnant Women's Behavior in Pregnancy Care
Evi Pratami, Sukesi
Evaluation of Homemade Lyophilized Serum as External Quality Control Material for Clinical Chemistry Tests based on Variance Index Score
Anik Handayati, Edy Haryanto
Eating Patterns of the Elderly With the Incident of Diabetes Mellitus in the Posyandu Elderly, Prunggahan Wetan Village, Semanding, Tuban District
Gading Sekar Prameswari, Teresia Retna P, Yasin Wahyurianto, Wahyu Tri Ningsih
Acceptance and Protein Content of Skim Milk Avocado Velva with the Addition of Green Beans as an Alternative Snack for Stunting Toddler
Dhea Rifqiani Wahyudi, Taufiqurrahman, Nur Hatijah, Nurul Hindaryani
The Inovation of Dental Caries Prevention: The Influence of Maternal Training in Early Caries Risk Detection through Enhancing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors
Kirana Patrolina Sihombing, Irma Syafriani
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Values in Patients Pneumonia at Mohammad Noer Hospital, Pamekasan
Rahmad Ronald David Fahrezi, Ellies Tunjung Sari, Rahma Widya Astuti, Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin
Factors Influencing Pregnant Women's Intent to Undergo Dental and Oral Examinations during Antenatal Care (K1) Visits
Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie, I.G.A. Kusuma Astuti
Determinant Factors Disrupting Cholinesterase Enzyme Activity in the Blood of Shallot Spraying Farmers
Irwan Sulistio, Nathania Asih Kuncoro Putri, Marlik, Putri Arida Ipmawati
The Role of Information Media, Healthcare Provider Support, and Family in Predicting Tetanus Toxoid Immunization Knowledge: A Case Study on Pregnant Women in Manokwari
Emly Nahuway, Priscilla Jessica Pihahey, Dwi Iryani
Correlation between Anxiety Level and CD8+ Cell Count in Breast Cancer Patients
Yuliatin, Suhariyadi, Lully Hanni Endarini
Description of Eating Behavior, Physical Activity with the Incidence of Overweight in Student Elementary School at Surabaya
Nina Nur Alviatun Ni’mah, Ani Intiyati, Mujayanto, Inne Soesanti
The Relationship Between Community Role and Environment on the Incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Aries Prasetyo, Sri Poerwati
Health Education Approach Based on the Health Belief Model in an Effort to Prevent Stunting in Mothers of Toddlers
Yuni Ginarsih, Yaimin, Ira Rahayu Tyar, Sherly Jeniawaty
Disk Diffusion Method Of Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing With Erythromycin On Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
Chasanah Sri Cahyani Putri, Suliati, Lully Hanni Endarini
The Relationship Between Maternal Knowledge About the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) and the Occurrence of Stunting in the Jabon Sidoarjo Health Center Work Area
Wulan Retnowati, Enung Mardiyana H, Indriatie, Irine Christiany
Relationship Between Macronutrient Intake and Nutritional Status with The Menstrual Cycle for Class 11 Female Students in MAN Kota Surabaya
Melfin Revalina Yunita Alfatika Hariyadi, Ani Intiyati, Nur Hatijah, Ergia Latifolia
The Correlation of Nutritional Knowledge and Snack Consumption Habits with Nutritional Status in 5th Grade Students of SDN Wadungasih 2 Sidoarjo
Keyza Sayyidina Alma Jasmine, Nuning Marina Pengge, Mujayanto, Nurul Hindaryani
Alhijama Related to the Decrease of Systolic Blood Pres- sure in Hypertensive Patients: Preliminary Study
Joko Suwito, Adin Muafiro, Eko Rustamaji Wiyatno
Effectiveness of Couple Class in Increasing Breastfeeding and Prevention of Breastfeeding in the Pandemic Era
Ayesha Hendriana Ngestiningrum, Nuryani
Differences Between the Use of One Month Injection Contraception and Three Month Injection Contraception on the Increase in Body Weight in Contract Acceptors in PMB Sri Aningsih, Glenmore District, Banyuwangi Regency In 2024
Halimatus Sahdiyah, Febrika Devi Nanda, Eni Tria Rafika Devi
Maintenance of Dental and Oral Health in Class 5 Students Using Explosion Box Media
Saroya Rindi Antika, Ratih Larasati, Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie, Silvia Prasetyowati
Development of a Family Adaptation Model with One of Its Members Experiencing Diabetus Millitus with Diabetic Foot Complications
Moch Bahrudin, Tanty Wulan Dari, Titik Sumiatin
The Utilization of Castor Leaf Extract (Jatropha Curcas L.) as a Gel Compress to Improve Temperature in Stroke Patients: A Clinical Study
Luluk Widarti, Suprianto, Dony Sulystiono, Jenita Doli Tine Donsu, Dian Anggia Sriwijati
Correlation Between Level of Compliance With Antiretroviral Medicine to Viral Load in HIV/Aids Patients
Ida Ayu Putu Sharma Laras Shanti, Anak Agung Ayu Eka Cahyani, Diah Prihatiningsih
Analysis of Stunting Factors and the Implementation of Stunting Prevention Programs based on Health Promotion Theory
Astuti Setiyani, Siti Alfiah, Hery Sumasto
Knowledge, Attitude and the Role of Peers on the Impact of Drug Abuse on Adolescents in SMK Negeri 1 Tuban
Endah Hestining Manitis, Su’udi, Titik Sumiatin
Acceptability Analysis of (Carob, Tempeh, Honey Truffle) as an Alternative Snack Rich in Antioxidants (Cartemuffle Isoflavones and Polyphenols) to Prevent Breast Cancer
Dea Nurila Az Zahra, Taufiqurrahman, Luthfi Rusyadi, Nur Hatijah
The Relationship Between Energy, Protein, and Iron Intake Levels with the Incidence of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in Class VIII Students at SMP Negeri 5 Surabaya
Laily Gaza, Mujayanto, Riezky Faisal Nugroho, Dian Shofiya
Airborne Microbial Risk Assessment in Indonesian Hospitals 2024: Control Strategies to Improve Environmental Quality
Ananda Amelia Putri, Iva Rustanti Eri Wardoyo, Ernita Sari, Fitri Rokhmalia, Abentin Estim
Prevention and Intervention of Stunting Through Mother's Empowerment
Nurlailis Saadah, Uswatun Khasanah, Budi Yulianto
Health Behavior Skill Prevention of Emergency Conditions of Diabetes Mellitus
Siti Nur Kholifah, Dyah Wijayanti, Hasyim As’ari
Use of Media Castle Pop-Up to Change Knowledge About Dental & Oral Hygiene
Diasta Ayomi, Sunomo Hadi, Agus Marjianto
Assessment Instruments Based on Need for Help and Self-Care as a Prevention of Emergencies Due to Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia
Endah Suprihatin, Hilmi Yumni, Hepta Nur Anugraheni
Slow Stroke Back Massage Is Fery Effective in Reducing the Gradation of Dysmenorrhea in Teenagers
Dina Isfentiani, Rijanto
Legal Reasoning of Liability in Indonesian Penal Law among Dental Therapists at Hospital
Sukini, Moh Imam Santoso Alif Krisna Aditya, Agnes Lia Renata
The Relationship Between Employee Characteristics and Unsafe Actions in Sukosari Workshop Employees at PT Rekaindo Global Jasa Madiun 2024
Putri Ridha Romadhona, Sujangi, Lilis Prihastini, Budi Yulianto
An Effect of Variations in Time of Using Harris Hematoxylin on Papanicolaou Staining
Atsila Amala Hafsah, Nur Vita Purwaningsih, Tri Ade Saputro, Yety Eka Sispita Sari
The Relationship of Knowledge of How to Brush Teeth with Ohi-S in Baiturrahman Middle School Students, Surabaya
Serli Elfa Riani, Isnanto, Bambang Hadi Sugito
Complementary Nursing Intervention Bay Leaves to Prevent Complications in Hypertension Patients at Surabaya
Jujuk Proboningsih, Mohammad Najib, Sriyono, Rini Ambarwati, Sri Hardi Wuryaningsih, Mohammad Zamroni
Knowledge about Dental Using Dental Smart Cards in Class V Students of SDN Rejosopinggir Jombang
Adinda Intan Permata Mulia, Silvia Prasetyowati, Imam Sarwo Edi
Family Caregiver Skill in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Minarti, Ach. Arfan Adinata
Self Efficacy of Family Caregivers in Caring for Gestational Pregnant Women in Tuban Regency
Roudlotul Jannah, Teresia Retna P, Yasin Wahyurianto
Hereditary History with Age, Duration of DM, and Blood Glucose Levels in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Anita Joeliantina, Dwi Adji Norontoko, Indriatie, Endang Soelistyowati
The Relationship Between Lead (Pb) Levels in Blood and Kidney Function in Farmers in Tanggulangin Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency
Khanayah Rahma Sari, Lully Hanni Endarini, Ayu Puspitasari, Christ Kartika Rahayuningsih
Processed Koya Anchovy “KOIRI” As an Animal Sourced Local Food Business Innovation in the Southwest Papua Region
Cory C. Situmorang, Kinanti
Correlation between SGPT Levels and Haemoglobin Levels on Patients with Hepatitis B at RSUD Haji Surabaya
Purnomo Aji Hermanto, Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin, Rahma Widyastuti, Sukodiono
Bidara Upas (Merremia Mammosa) as a Traditional Medicine for Tuberculosis
Khambali, Rachmaniyah, Fitri Rokhmalia, Rosidi Roslan
Lung Capacity and Health: A Comprehensive Study of Health Polytechnic Students' Respiratory Function
Sari Luthfiyah, Her Gumiwang Ariswati, Melyana Nurul Widyawati
An Effect of Smoking Habits on Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Levels in Fishermen on Brondong Shipping
Rizka Dwi Prastyani, Waras Budiman, Tri Ade Saputro, Ellies Tunjung Sari M
Correlation of Anemia Knowledge and Teacher Support with Iron Supplementation Adherence among Adolescent Girls at SMPN 1 Kanor Bojonegoro Regency
Jasmine Hizbul Wathony, Ani Intiyati, Dian Shofiya, Mujayanto
Correlation of eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) with Potassium Levels in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Chronic Kidney Failure Complications
Dwi Ariani Santoso, Anik Handayati, Museyaroh, Ayu Puspitasari
Liquid Organic Fertilizer From Reduce Waste by Aerator and Bioinoculant Design
Sri Poerwati, Beny Suyanto, Sujangi
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Behaviour in Mothers of Toddler Ages 12-59 Months Using Health Promotion Model
Yuni Ginarsih, Fitria Nurwulansari, Ira Rahayu Tyar Sari
Relationship of Sifilis Coinfection With CD4+ Count in PLHIV (People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Saifatusy syarifah, Evy Diah Woelansari, Wisnu Istanto
HbA1c Levels On High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) And Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Methods
Kirshna Luhkito, Juliana Christyaningsih, Retno Sasongkowati
Test Acceptance and Antioxidant Content (Polyphenols) Grape jelly boba chia seed Formula as a Potential Beverage for Coronary Heart Disease
Debitha Julia Saputra, Taufiqurrahman, Nuning Marina Pengge, Inne Soesanti
Effectiveness of Anaerobic Aerobic Biofilter System in Reducing BOD, COD, Ammonia, and Phosphate in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Surabaya in 2024
Ulfa Auliani, Iva Rustanti Eri Wardoyo, Pratiwi Hermiyanti, Khambali, Margono
Development of Health Promotion Model and Theory of Reasoned Action Regarding Preventive Behavior Stunting Through Training of Youth Health Cadres in Stunting Locus Village Magetan District
Agung Suharto, Budi Joko Santosa, Sulikah
Factors Affecting Diet to Prevent Hypertension in Young Adults at Posbindu PTM Gedangan Village Karangrejo Tulungagung Regency
Sindy Larasati, Irine Christiany, Lembunai Tat Alberta, Nur Hasanah
Risk Factors for the Incident of TBC in Primary School Age Children in the Rangkah and Pacar Keling Public Health Area, Surabaya
Indriatie Indriatie, Aida Novitasari, Anita Joelantina
Analysis of the Quality of Examination of Cleaning Workers' Feature Samples Using the Saturated NaCl and ZnSO4 33% Method
Sherley Agustina, Rahma Widyastuti, Vella Rohmayani, Waras Budiman
Leukocyte and Platelite Cell Counts With C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Values in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Vindy Indriani, Evy Diah Woelandari
Acceptability and Fiber Content Analysis of Velva Javer (Red Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) with the Addition of Havermout (Avena Sativa) as an Alternative Snack for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Nadhiratur Rasyidah, Ani Intiyati, Taufiqurrahman, Riezky Faisal Nugroho
Characteristics of Postpartum Mothers with Postpartum Depression in Surabaya
Dhiana Setyorini, Intim Cahyono, Kusmini Suprihatin
Accuracy and Precision of HDL Measurement With the Precipitation Method and LDL Measurement With the Friedewald Method Compared to the Enzymatic Method Using a Chemistry Analyzer
Farikha Nuril Ilma
Smart Toothbrush to Get Knowledge and Action of Toothbrushing for Children
Salikun, Supriyana, Irmanita Wiradona
Overview of Knowledge About Gastritis Disease in Adolescents at SMAN 3 Tuban
Alfin Eko Adi Prasetyo, Binti Yunariyah, Roudlotul Jannah, Yasin Wahyurianto
Differences in Maintance of Dental and Mouth Cleanless Before and After Using Sigibel Pop Up Box Media
Ishraf Muhammad Husni Abdillah, Sunomo Hadi, Siti Fitria Ulfah, Nur Hasanah
The Relationship Backpack Weight with Musculoskeletal Pain in Students
Sabrinna Putri Salsabilla, Nuning Marina Pengge, Taufiqurrahman, Mujayanto
The Influence Factors Implementing In Hospitals the Use of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Adin Mu'afiro, Kiaonarni OW, Joko Suwito, Sri Hidayati
Social Capital Model to Increase Sustainability Awareness in Dengue Fever (DHF) Prevention with One House One Mosquito Net (GESARUSAJU) Movement
Budi Yulianto, Aries Prasetyo, Handoyo, Nurlailis Saadah, Uswatun Khasanah
Correlation Of HbA1c Leveles With Urine Ketone Levels In Patient With Diabetes Melitus In RSUD Haji Surabaya East Java province
Salsabiil Finansih, Anik Handayati, Sri Sulami Endah Astuti, Suhariyadi
Use of Puzzle Media on Dental and Oral Cleanliness in Class V Students
Lany Navytasari Putri, Sri Hidayati, Silvia Prasetyowati, Isnanto
Perceptual Deafness in Workers Exposed To Grinding Machine Noise in Karangankidul Village, Benjeng Subdistrict, Gresik
Heru Sulistijono, Asnani, Dyah Wijayanti, Minarti, May Damaiyanti
Overview of Nutritional Status And Anemia Prevalence In Adolescent Females In Sidoarjo District
Siti Maemonah, Kusmini Suprihatin, Hotmaida Siagian, Eki Restiana Saputri
Description of Rat and Flea Fauna as Vectors In The Pes Observation Area of Pasuruan District, East Java in The Year 2018-2022
Suprijandani, Yolla Prisma Anggraeni, Imam Thohari, Irwan Sulistio, Slamet Wardoyo
Important Factors Affecting Labor and Childbirth Readiness Among Primigravida Women in Jakarta, Indonesia
Masita, Erlin Puspita, Yunita Laila Astuti
The Relationship Between Body Image and Self-Acceptance in Adolescents of X Grade at MA Negeri 1 Tuban
Meinisa Dwi Auliya Putri, Wahyu Tri Ningsih, Wahyuningsih Triana Nugraheni, Su’udi
Knowledge of Parents of Grade 4 Students and All Teachers about Caries at SDN Banyu 2 Urip Surabaya
Difa Sabrina Al Fatihah, Isnanto, Silvia Prasetyowati
Coping Towards Family Behavior Behavior in Caring for Autistic Children at the Autistic Child Therapy Center in Surabaya
Suriana, Hasyim As'ari, Hilmi Yumni
Do Age and Gender Factors Influence the Form of Parental Social Support for the Dental Health of Children with Down Syndrome in Surabaya?
Siti Fitria Ulfah, Agus Marjianto
Low Fidelity Prototype Uterus Model - Initial Design of Uterus Organ Product as Learning Media for Handling Postpartum Hemorrhage
Dwi Purwanti, Titi Maharrani, Mohammad Sofie, M. Dwinanda Junaedi
Optimizing Sappan Wood Extract to Boost Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Phagocytosis in Escherichia coli Infected Mice
Dwi Krihariyani, Retno Sasongkowati, Entuy Kurniawan
The Use of Smart Dental Box in Increasing Knowledge About Dental Caries
Nadia Agda Alifia, Sunomo Hadi, Silvia Prasetyowati
Using Photo-Elicitation Interviewing on Family-Based Intervention Experiences Among Informal Caregivers and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Tengku Mohd Mizwar, Aini Ahmad, Puziah Yusof
Improving Quality Antenatal Care Services Used By Pregnant Women With The Client Oriented Provider Efficient Method Through Self Need Assessment,Client Right Assessment, Client Flow Analysis At Bojonegoro District Community Health Center
Sri Anggraeni, Aris Handayani, Esti Yuliani
The Role of Self Efficacy in the Increased Motivation of Hypertension Patients in the Prevention of Hypertension Crisis in the Working Area of the Surabaya City Health Center
Lembunai Tat Alberta, Dwi Utari Widyastuti, Adivtian Ragayasa
The Use of Citronella Oil (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle) to Replace Xylene as a Clearing Agent in Tissue Processing
Najwa Syarifah Sadjidah, Juliana Christyaningsih, Wisnu Istanto
Fasting Glucose Level In Diabetes Mellitus Patients Using Glucometers With And Without Dry Cotton Swabs When Taking Capillary Blood
Lailatul Latifah Dian Kusuma Wardani, Juliana Christyaningsih, Wisnu Istanto
What is the Best Method for Review Utilization Dental health Care at Primary Health Care Cooperation with Indonesian National Health Insurance (INHI)?
Diyah Fatmasari, Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas, Dendy Murdiyanto, Agnes Lia Renata
Accuracy and Precision of Blood Glucose Level Examination Using the POCT Method on a New Device with an Old Device Agains the GOD-PAP Method
Kharisma Eka Putri, Anik Handayati, Edy Haryanto
Organoleptic of Pulp Capping Paste-Based Casein and Lactoferrin Cow's Milk
Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas, Diyah Fatmasari, Lanny Sunarjo, Endang Diyah Ikasari
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Management in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at the Taman Sidoarjo Health Center
Mita Syakiyyah, Endang Soelistyowati, Kiaonarni Ongko Waluyo, Adivtian Ragayasa
Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents About Three Basic Risks of Adolescent Reproductive Health (Triad Krr) in High School Schools in Nganjuk District
Fina Fidyawati, Siswari Yuniarti, Adivtian Ragayasa, Rini Ambarwati