The Inovation of Dental Caries Prevention: The Influence of Maternal Training in Early Caries Risk Detection through Enhancing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors


  • Kirana Patrolina Sihombing Department of Dental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan, Indonesia
  • Irma Syafriani Department of Dental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan, Indonesia


Training, Dental caries, Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavior


Dental and oral health in children is a critical factor that demands attention, as tooth decay during childhood can significantly impact the development of permanent teeth. Parental behavior, particularly maternal involvement, plays a crucial role in influenc-ing children's dental health outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of maternal training on the early detection of dental caries and to assess changes in maternal knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. A two-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was employed, utilizing a simple random sampling technique. The study involved 40 mothers and their children (aged 6-8 years) from elementary schools in the Medan Amplas District of North Sumatera. Participants were divided into control and intervention groups (n mothers=20; n children=20). The intervention group received hands-on training in de-tecting childhood caries using oral diagnostic instruments (mirror, explorer, excavator, and forceps), while the control group received only standard dental health education without the training. Knowledge, attitude, and behavior were measured using validated questionnaires. Data were analyzed using an independent t-test (p=0.001).The findings revealed a highly significant difference (p=0.000) in maternal knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors before and after the intervention between the intervention and control groups. Conclusion is maternal training in the early detection of childhood dental caries significantly enhances mothers' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding oral health. Addressing the knowledge and skill gaps in mothers is vital to advancing Indonesia's dental health performance.


