Processed Koya Anchovy “KOIRI” As an Animal Sourced Local Food Business Innovation in the Southwest Papua Region
Stuntig, Entreprenuership, Anchovy, Koya, Pregnant Women, Animal Sourced Food (ASF)Abstract
Tackling stunting by improving maternal health, there are local resources that are abundantly available in the Sorong City, Southwest Papua, i.e. Anchovy fish. Additional food “KOIRI” is an additional food for pregnant women made from anchovies, mushroom stock, salt and garlic. The main ingredient in making this fresh anchovies koya which are plentiful an easy to get by the people in West Pa-pua. “KOIRI” has nutritional content that able to support the mother’s nutritional needs during pregnancy, i.e. 100 grams of koya anchovies contain 665.2 kcal, 4.97 grams of fat, 46.99 grams of protein, 104.88 grams of carbohydrates, 2.77 grams of salt and 2.88 grams of calcium. This is what attracted us to carry out healthcare entrepreneur ship innovative research by utilizing the potential of local resources, which provides double benefits, namely health and family economics. The kind of methodology in this paper using experimental method with research design mutu hedonic and liking test design. This paper also pay close attention to measure micronutrients such as calsium, iron, zinc, carbs, and ccal. The analisys of the data using by organoleptic test and questionnaire. The result of the study in terms of taste, 2 (two) pregnant women who chose bad taste, less good and not fragrant aroma because the mother has a sensitivity to fishy odors in the first trimester pregnancy. The other 8 (eight) pregnant women of 1 trimester and 3 trimester on average chose good taste even very good taste. We also measure the product liking by a liking taste test. In terms of color the avarage respondent choose to like it, In terms of fragnant the avarage respondent choose to like it, and then In terms of taste the avarage respondent choose to like it, and the last indicator is in term texture test the avarage respondent choose to liking. Potencial impact of “KOIRI” are to make the anchovy commodity an im-portant source of nutrition in reducing the incidence of stunting, to develop the potential of local resources that have nutritional and economic value as one of the local wisdom, Increase the ability and capability of the community to produce ko-ya anchovy to become a superior commodity.