Development of Health Promotion Model and Theory of Reasoned Action Regarding Preventive Behavior Stunting Through Training of Youth Health Cadres in Stunting Locus Village Magetan District
Health Promotion Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, Adolescent health cadres, Prevention of stuntingAbstract
Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children due to chronic malnutrition, especially in the first thousand days of birth. Reducing stunting requires integrated interventions including specific nutritional interventions, integrated prenatal care, monitoring pregnant women's nutrition, monitoring anemia, monitoring child growth and development, providing exclusive breastfeeding, providing MP-ASI that is nutritionally adequate, empowering families to monitor the administration of Fe tablets to pregnant women, vitamins. A Toddlers, PHBS, use of iodized salt, monitoring consumption of sidewalk snacks/manufactured snacks rich in MSG. The prevalence of malnutrition among children under five in Magetan district in 2018 was 0.96%. The aim of this research is to develop the Health Promotion Model (HPM), and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to influence the behavior of adolescent health cadres in preventing stunting.The type of research is cross sectional analytical. This research develops the Health Promotion Model and Theory of Reasoned Action in increasing the participation of adolescent health cadres in preventing stunting. The research location is the stunting locus village, Magetan Regency. The research population was all adolescent health cadres in Magetan Regency. The quantitative research sample was 400 cadres. The sampling technique is proportional stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Exogenous variables are Prior Related behavior, personal factors. Endogenous variables are Perceived benefit of action, Perceived barrier of action, Perceived self efficacy, Activity related affect, Interpersonal influences (family, peers, providers, norms, support, model), Situation influences (option demand, aesthetic characteristics), Immediates competing demands (low control) and preferences (High control), Commitment to a plan of action, Health promoting behavior and community empowerment (adolescent health cadres). Data analysis using Regresi linier.The research results show the influence of Perceived benefit of action, Perceived barrier of action, Perceived self efficacy, Activity related affect, Interpersonal influences (family, peers, providers, norms, support, model), Situation influences (option demand, aesthetic characteristics), Immediates competing demands (low control) and preferences (High control), Commitment to a plan of action, Health promoting behavior towards community empowerment (adolescent health cadres). Conclusion: The development of the Health Promotion Model (HPM) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) influence the behavior of adolescent health cadres in preventing stunting.