The Effect of Melon Seeds (Cucumismelo L.) On Reducing TSS (Total Suspended Solid) Levels of Tahu Industrial Waste Water, Tawangrejo Village Takeran District Magetan District


  • Dila Nur Khoirani Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sri Poerwati Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hery Koesmantoro Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sunaryo Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Waella Septamari Budi Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Tofu Industry Liquid Waste, TSS, Coagulation-Flocculation, Melon Seeds


Tofu liquid waste containing high levels of TSS (Total Suspended Solid) can be treated using coagulation-floqualization. The coagulation process requires additional substances that can help the process of settling suspended particles. Flocculation is the process of combining floc nuclei to form larger floc particles. The aim of the research was to measure the effect of melon seeds (CucumisMelo L.) on reducing TSS levels before adding melon seed powder (CucumisMelo L.) at doses of 12 gr, 16 gr and 20 gr. This research is a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. Tofu liquid wastewater samples were obtained from tofu factories with varying flocculation coagulation doses using melon seed powder (CucumisMelo L.). The independent variable is the dose of melon seeds (CucumisMelo L.). The dependent variable is reducing TSS levels in tofu industry wastewater. There were 4 groups of varying doses, namely before treatment, 12 gr, 16 gr, and 20 gr, and each group was repeated 6 times. Data analysis used one-way anova test. The results of the research showed the influence of melon seeds (CucumisMelo L.). on reducing TSS (Total Suspended Solid) levels in tofu industrial wastewater at a dose of 12 gr with a result of 91 mg/L. dose 16 with a result of 100 mg/L. and a dose of 20 gr obtained a result of 120 mg/L during the 60 minute deposition process. Based on the one-way ANOVA test analysis, the p value > 0.05 was obtained, so there was an effect of decreasing TSS levels. The suggestion for researchers who will continue is the need to increase the coagulant dose to obtain a more effective reduction in TSS levels.


