Liquid Organic Fertilizer From Reduce Waste by Aerator and Bioinoculant Design


  • Sri Poerwati Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Beny Suyanto Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sujangi Department of Environmental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Liquid waste, bioinoculant market waste, POC


The development of the potential of bioinoculants to reduce waste into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) with easy, cheap materials and abundant existence needs to be realized so that it can benefit the community. Waste treatment can prevent the occurrence of vectors and diseases and nourish the environment. The purpose of this research is to develop the potential of bioinoculants to reduce waste into liquid organic fertilizer (POC). The research method of this experiment goes through 2 stages, namely making bioinoculants containing waste degradation bacteria and making POC through the injection aerator and fermentation process. Bioinoculants contain bacteria: Actinomicetes; Lactobacillus sp; Nitrosomonas sp; Nictrobacter sp; Pseudomonas sp and Bacillus sp go through an aerobic process and feermentation for 2-3 months. POC raw materials: liquit materials (tofu waste, effluent biogas, cow urine and rabbit urine) and solid materials (leaf waste, rotten fruits, food scraps and other organic matter) ground with a mechanical box coper. The results of making POC mixing liquid materials and market waste based on the weight of the material with the addition of 1% bioinoculant then in a 2x24 hour injection aeraor and a fermentation period of 3-4 weeks the comparison of formula 1 is: C (8:2) replication 3 times yields an average (N: 4.3095%; P : 1.7373% ; K: 1.4944% and C/N ratio: 21.1904); D (7:3) yields (N: 4.2977%; P : 1.7514% ; K: 1.5813% and C/N ratio: 20.1701); and Formula 2 bioinoculant 2%. i.e. : G (9:1) yields (N: 4.7030%; P : 1.8551% ; K: 22.7471% and C/N ratio: 22.7471); H (8:2) (N: 4.8096%; P : 1.8344% ; K: 1.7128% and C/N ratio: 22.4420). Assessment of POC maturation results based on physical: smell, color, texture, pH, temperature, and chemistry: laboratory test results N, P, K, C/N ratio (Ministerial Regulation 261/2019). Innovative bioinoculation works that develop appropriate technologies that are easy, cheap, and useful with economic value to be more effective and efficient.


