The Relationship Backpack Weight with Musculoskeletal Pain in Students
Breakfast, Sleep Quality, Nutritional Status, Acceleration ClassAbstract
The majority of health problems among adolescents in Indonesia are related to nutritional status. Adolescents require higher nutrient intake to support their growth phase. One factor is breakfast. Sleep quality is also another factor that af-fects nutritional status. Accelerated classes are classes with a faster learning mod-el. The busy study schedule can cause breakfast and sleep quality to be greatly neglected due to study activities. Research objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between breakfast and sleep quality with the nutritional status of accelerated class students at MAN Kota Surabaya. This research is an observa-tional analytic study conducted using a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 75 people. Data collection methods were carried out through interviews, ques-tionnaires, and anthropometric measurements, then analyzed using the Spearman Rank Correlation test. Relationship between breakfast and nutritional status showed a p-value = 0.029 (<0.05). The research results for the analysis of the re-lationship between sleep quality and nutritional status showed a p-value = 0.497 (>0.05). There is a relationship between breakfast and nutritional status among accelerated class students at MAN Kota Surabaya. Furthermore, there is no rela-tionship between sleep quality and nutritional status among accelerated class stu-dents at MAN Kota Surabaya.