The Use of Smart Dental Box in Increasing Knowledge About Dental Caries
Knowledge about dental caries, Grade IV elementary school students, Dental caries, Smart Dental BoxAbstract
Background: Dental caries is defined as the destruction of the enamel layer of the tooth by the production of acid produced by the action of bacteria on sugar. It is widely acknowledged that dental caries can be prevented and most often causes chronic infections and is often experienced in childhood. Dental caries is a common disease and has a negative impact on children's quality of life. Problems: The high caries in grade IV students of SD Negeri Rangkah 1 Surabaya where in the initial examination the def-t score in SD Negeri Rangkah 1 students was 5.3 which was included in the high severity category. Therefore, to enhance students' knowledge about dental caries, the Smart Dental Box media was created to help convey information about dental caries, with the hope of reducing the high incidence of caries among students at SD Negeri Rangkah 1. Objective: To determine the use of Smart Dental Box media in increasing knowledge about dental caries for grade IV students at SD Negeri Rangkah 1 Surabaya. Methods: This descriptive research has a total of 32 respondents with pretest and posttest questionnaire sheets. The data analysis technique uses the average of the knowledge results of the pretest and posttest by recapping the data results and presenting them in the form of tables. Results: This research can be concluded that the knowledge of grade IV students of SD Negeri Rangkah 1 Surabaya City before counseling using Smart Dental Box media is in the category of sufficient and after counseling using Smart Dental Box media is in the good category.