Self Control Model in Drug Abuse Behavior in Adolescents at State Vocational School 1 Labang Bangkalan


  • Baiq Dewi Harnani R Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Asnani Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Bambang Heriyanto Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Self-control model, Behavior, Abuse, Drugs, Teenager


Introduction: Self-control is a form of mental condition that influences the formation of positive and productive behavior and determines the harmony of relationships with people in our environment. Deviant behavior, including delinquency, promiscuity and failure in a person's life, is greatly influenced by low self-control (Sriyanti, 2012). Objective: to determine the model Self Control in drug abuse behavior in adolescents. Material & Method: Cross-sectional research design. Population and sample are students of SMK Negeri Labang Bangkalan, totaling 154 Sampling; total sampling. To measure Self Control using a questionnaire and drug abuse behavior with a questionnaire adapted from the Health Promotion Model (HPM). HPM is a way to describe human interaction with the physical and interpersonal environment in various dimensions. Result: The results of the study showed that for the results of self-control of students, most of them had insufficient behavioral control of 101 (84%), sufficient cognitive control of 79 (67%) and sufficient decision control of 65 (52%). For drug abuse behavior, data was obtained that most of the students' knowledge about drug abuse was still lacking of 104 (88%), data on student attitudes and actions were still lacking of 73 (60.7%) each. Conclusion: The application of the Self-Control model in drug abuse behavior in adolescents can create self-control by considering behavioral, cognitive and decision control so that it can prevent drug abuse behavior. Adolescents with a good self-control model will capable increase cognitive, behavior and decision face drugs, so that can stay away from or not consume drugs.


