Complementary Nursing Intervention Bay Leaves to Prevent Complications in Hypertension Patients at Surabaya
Bay leaves, Hypertensive Patient, Prevention of Hypertension ComplicationsAbstract
Introduction: Surabaya is one of the cities with the highest prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia, namely 45,015 sufferers. Most of the people use herbs as a companion for treatment of chronic diseases. Chronic disease sufferers must receive ideal services so that they can continue to implement a healthy lifestyle appropriately and regularly. This study aims to assess complementary nursing interventions Bay Leaves to Prevent Complications in Hypertension Patients at Puskesmas Tambak Rejo Surabaya. Method: This research uses a quasi-experimental type of research using a pre-post test group design. The population in this phase 2 study were hypertensive patients who visited the Puskesmas Tambak Rejo Surabaya. The sample size in this study was 50 respondents in accordance with the criteria set by the researcher. The 50 samples were divided into 2 groups, namely 25 bay leaf treatment samples and 25 control samples (regular drug administration). The sampling technique chosen was consecutive sampling, namely a method of taking samples by selecting according to predetermined criteria. Result: The results showed that bay leaf intervention for the systole-diastole variable obtained a p value of 0.000 and 0.001, where the value was <0.05, which means there was a significant difference between pre and post in the intervention group. Discuss: It is provids complementary nursing interventions herbal medicine namely bay leaves, is effective in preventing hypertension and its complications. This has become one of the newest models in health literature. May be used as a medical reference in the education and implementation of nursing actions.