Perceptual Deafness in Workers Exposed To Grinding Machine Noise in Karangankidul Village, Benjeng Subdistrict, Gresik


  • Heru Sulistijono Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Asnani Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dyah Wijayanti Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Minarti Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • May Damaiyanti Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Perceptual Deafness, Noise, Worker


Perceptual deafness among workers exposed to grinding machine noise causes a decrease in cochlear function such as hearing, unable to communicate properly, mental and emotional changes resulting in a decrease in quality of life, and social situations feel exhausting and stressful. The purpose of this study is to determine the description of perceptual deafness in workers exposed to grinding machine noise in Karangankidul Village, Benjeng District, Gresik. It is descriptive research. The population is 30 workers and all of them were chosen as the study samples. Measuring instruments using tuning forks, observation sheets, and questionnaires. The data type is ordinal. Data analysis is presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. The results showed 8 workers (27%) who experienced perceptual deafness. It can be concluded that most workers do not experience perceptual deafness (normal hearing). Efforts can be made by providing APT so that workers can use it while working safely and avoid health problems, conducting regular hearing checks, and making policies related to noise control.


