Slow Stroke Back Massage Is Fery Effective in Reducing the Gradation of Dysmenorrhea in Teenagers


  • Dina Isfentiani Department of Midewifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Rijanto Department of Midewifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Dysmenorrhoea, Pain gradation, Cutaneous stimulation


Introduction. Dysmenorrhoea becomes a problem for adolescent girls every month and interferes with daily activities and even unable to perform activities at all.The purpose of the study was to analyse the difference in the effect before and after cutaneous stimulation on the gradation of dysmenorrhoea. Methods. Type of Quasy Experiment, design "Non Randomised Control Group Pretest-Postest Design", comparing the results of the experimental group and the control group. Population of 83, sample 31 adolescents taken by simple random sampling. The dependent variables are age of adolescents, age of onset of dysmenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea scale score, dysmenorrhoea scale category. The independent variable is cutaneous stimulation. To determine the effect of cutaneous stimulation on pain gradation analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, to determine the difference in influence before and after cutaneous stimulation analysis using Mann-Whitney Test. Result. Teenage age mean 19.03, SD ± 0.795, age of onset of dysmenorrhoea 13-17 years. Pre-stimulation dysmenorrhoea scale score, obtained mean 4.90, SD ± 2.241. In post stimulation, the mean was 2.58, SD ± 1, 785, The category of post stimulation dysmenorrhoea scale changes from severe to moderate, moderate to mild, mild to no dysmenorrhoea. Gradation of dysmenorrhoea pre stimulation and post stimulation there is a significant change with a mean of 4.90 to 2.58, p value 0.000. There is a significant difference in the effect of stimulation on dysmenorrhoea gradation, delta -2.32 ± SD 1.739. Discussion. The age of onset of dysmenorrhoea occurs shortly after menarche due to imperfect reproductive organs. Stimulation performed twice with a span of 3 hours can significantly reduce the dysmenorrhoea scale score and can reduce the pain scale category from severe to moderate, mild to missing. The mechanism of action of stimulation is to encourage the release of endorphin which can block pain stimulus.


