Assessment Instruments Based on Need for Help and Self-Care as a Prevention of Emergencies Due to Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia


  • Endah Suprihatin Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hilmi Yumni Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hepta Nur Anugraheni Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Instrumen, Pengkajian, Preeclampsia, Eklampsia, Kegawatdaruratan


Assessment instruments based on the Need for Help and Self-Care can be instrumental in preventing seriousness in preeclampsia patients. It is hoped that using such instruments can help identify the risk of preeclampsia emergencies early and allow appropriate interventions to prevent further complications. This study aims to develop an application of the assessment instrument for mothers with preeclampsia based on Need for Help and Self-care which has been developed through previous research as an emergency prevention in mothers with preeclampsia. This research is qualitative research with the Delphi method approach. The Delphi method was used to obtain consensus from experts and practitioners on appropriate assessment instruments for patients with preeclampsia based on the Need for Help and Self-care nursing models. The participants in this study were 150 Midwives who worked in the maternity room of Dr. Mohammad Soewandi Hospital Surabaya, Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital Surabaya, and Husada Prima Hospital Surabaya. This research consists of 2 stages, namely the first stage and the second stage. In the first stage, instrument trials were carried out and practitioners filled out questionnaires and continued with FGD to get expert input. In the second stage, the application of the Mother Assessment Instrument with Preeclampsia will be prepared based on the Need for Help and Self-care. In this study, the results were obtained that the assessment format used in the obstetric room of the three hospitals that were the place in this study was not suitable for mothers with severe preeclampsia, all indicators of the assessment instrument in mothers with severe preeclampsia based on the Need for Help and Self-care models were valid with a corrected item to total correlation value greater than 0.3 and a reliable alpha value greater than 0.6.


