Development of a Family Adaptation Model with One of Its Members Experiencing Diabetus Millitus with Diabetic Foot Complications


  • Moch Bahrudin Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Tanty Wulan Dari Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Titik Sumiatin Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Adaptation, Family, Diabetus millitus, Complications, Diabetic foot


Background: Diabetus millitus with diabetic foot complications is one of the diseases with blood vessel disorders that result in the emergence of public health problems, especially the burden on families as a result of disability that arises after complications. Diabetus millitus with diabetic foot complications is the biggest cause of the patient's inability to carry out daily activities, where some patients with diabetus millitus with diabetic foot complications will experience weakness or paralysis of the limbs so that the patient is unable to move so that it becomes a family burden. This condition results in a burden for the family, which may be a care problem that reduces the quality of care provided to the patient. This study aims to develop a family adaptation model in caring for patients with diabetes millitus with diabetic foot complications. Methods: This study uses a survey research method with a total sample size of 200 respondents of family members: wife / husband and children who directly care for family members who experience diabetus millitus with diabetic foot complications, respondents are taken at home after 1 week the patient returns home from the hospital, a discrift observational design with a crossectional approach, sampling with non-probality purphosive sampling using a questionnaire from the family care centered developed by the researcher with validity and reliability tests above 0.6 and data analysis through the SEM-PLS test. Results and Novelty: The results of this study explain that adaptation is influenced by family coping strategies (p=0.001). The final results also show that family demographics affect stress (p=0.000), Stressors affect family perceptions (p=0.000) and stress (p=0.007), stress affects current family perceptions (p=0.041), social support affects current family perceptions (p=0.003), self-efficacy (p=0.017) and coping strategies (p=0.03). Spiritual coping affects adversity quotient (p = 0.001) and coping strategies (p = 0.005). Self-confidence affects problem solving strategies (p=0.033). Emotional intelligence affects problem-emotion coping strategies (p=0.000) and self-confidence (p=0.0003). Current family perceptions influence problem-emotion focused coping strategies (p=0.044) and stress (p=0.002). Adversity quotient influenced current family perceptions (p=0.001). The novelty of this study is that the family adaptation model can help families adjust while caring for patients with diabetus millitus with diabetic foot complications at home. Conclusion: This study can be concluded through this study that the family adaptation model is an excellent model to help families in caring for patients with diabetes millitus with diabetic foot complications at home after returning from the hospital.


