The Correlation of Nutritional Knowledge and Snack Consumption Habits with Nutritional Status in 5th Grade Students of SDN Wadungasih 2 Sidoarjo
Nutritional Knowledge, Snack Consumption Habits, Nutritional StatusAbstract
Indonesia suffers from nutritional problems related to nutrient deficiencies and excesses. The intake of well-balanced food consumed by children is low, while the intake of unhealthy snacks is high. Based on 2018 Basic Health Report, the prevalence of BMI/A children categorized as overweight was 10.8%, while obesity was 9.2%. This study aimed to determine the correlation of nutritional knowledge and snack consumption habits with nutritional status in 5th grade students of SDN Wadungasih 2 Sidoarjo. This study used cross sectional method involving 58 students through saturated sampling technique in 6 months period. The data of nutritional knowledge and snack consumption habits were collected through a questionnaire and interview. Nutritional status was also measured by the weight and height. Based on the Spearman test results, it was found that there is a correlation between nutritional knowledge and nutritional status in 5th grade students (p = 0.000), and there is a correlation between snack consumption habits and nutritional status in 5th grade students (p = 0.001). Schools are expected to maintain the nutritional knowledge and consumption habits by providing healthy canteen facilities. For students, it is expected to be more selective in choosing food or snacks that will be consumed.