The Utilization of Castor Leaf Extract (Jatropha Curcas L.) as a Gel Compress to Improve Temperature in Stroke Patients: A Clinical Study
Gel compress, Castor plant leaves, Stroke, InflammationAbstract
Background: Stroke is a significant health issue in modern life, as it is a leading cause of death and disability due to inflammation that can lead to infarction. The application of castor leaf extract gel compress is anticipated to prevent inflammation in stroke patients due to its anti-inflammatory phytochemical content. Methods: This quasi-experimental study employed a non-randomized pre-test-post-test design. It was conducted in the Sidoarjo district with stroke patients receiving outpatient care at the Neurology Department of RSU Al-Islam H.M. Mawardi. A sample of 28 patients received the castor leaf extract gel compress before, during, and after the intervention, with temperature measurements taken. The compress was applied twice daily at 08:00 AM and 12:00 PM for two months. Data were analyzed using the T-test. Results and Novelty: Results showed a decrease in temperature from an average of 37.8°C in the first week to 36.5°C in the third week. The T-test analysis yielded a significance value of 0.000, indicating a significant difference between the first and third weeks. Conclusion: It is concluded that castor leaf extract gel compress can improve temperature in stroke patients. Therefore, stroke patients should receive castor leaf extract gel compresses to prevent inflammation and avoid the expansion of infarction.