Knowledge about Dental Using Dental Smart Cards in Class V Students of SDN Rejosopinggir Jombang
Knowledge, Dental Caries, Dental Smart CardAbstract
Background: This is the high level of dental caries in class V students at SDN Rejosopinggir Jombang showing a high DMF-T index of 4.5. According to WHO, the average index standard can be said to be high if it has a score between 4.5-6.5. Dental caries has a bad impact on children. There are many ways to improve dental and oral health, one of which is promotional activities aimed at changing behavior from the knowledge aspect. Purpose: This research is to determine the difference in knowledge about dental caries before and after using a dental smart card in class V students at SDN Rejosopinggir Jombang in 2024. Methods: The data collection used was pretest and posttest. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a target number of 32 students, data analysis techniques using the Wilcoxon test. Results: Research using the Wilcoxon test resulted in o,ooo > 0.05, meaning there was a difference in students' knowledge after being given a dental smart card. Conclusion: From this research, there is a difference in knowledge about dental caries before and after being given counseling using dental smart cards to class V students at SDN Rejosopinggir Jombang in 2024.