Description of Eating Behavior, Physical Activity with the Incidence of Overweight in Student Elementary School at Surabaya
Eating Behavior, Physical Activity, Overweight IncidenceAbstract
Indonesia is developing country that faces many nutrition problems. The double nutritional challenge facing Indonesia today is the unresolved problem of under-nutrition and at the same time the problem of overnutrition. Overweight and obe-sity. The highest prevalence of obesity in primary school children in 2010-2013 was in Surabaya at 10.6%. To determine the description of eating behavior, phys-ical activity, and the incidence of overweight in 5th grade students at SDN Pacar Keling V Surabaya City. This type of research is descriptive and the sampling technique is done by proportional random sampling technique. Eating behavior in the good category was 56.1%, mild physical activity level was 60.3% and the in-cidence of overweight was 48.9%. The results of this study indicate that there is no relationship between eating behavior and the incidence of overweight, there is a relationship between eating behavior and overweight, and there is a relationship between physical activity and the incidence of overweight. Implement good eating behavior and a balanced healthy diet with sufficient physical activity for elemen-tary school children.