Coping Towards Family Behavior Behavior in Caring for Autistic Children at the Autistic Child Therapy Center in Surabaya


  • Suriana Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hasyim As'ari Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hilmi Yumni Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia


Family coping, Behavior caring child, Autism


The presence of autistic children makes them feel stressed and ashamed of stigma from his social environment. This condition without social support make response And problem psychosocial become critical as well as maladaptive coping. Family maladaptive coping results in low caring behavior so that happen developmental failure of autistic children. Objective: to identify family coping models based on response psychosocial in behavior caring child autism. Design cross sectional research. The population and sample are parents. Autistic children age school in Center Therapy Autism Surabaya, a number of 108. Sampling; simple random. For coping strategies with questionnaires and caring behavior with questionnaires adapted from the Parenting Stress Index Short Form. Data are presented in the form of frequency distribution and cross tabulation. Analysis of variable relationships with the Chi-Square test. It was found that the opinion of families who lacked behavior in caring for autistic children was 79% and the opinion of very good families had very good behavior in caring for autistic children (67%). The results of the Chi Square analysis test obtained p = 0.019 < α = 0.05, meaning that there was a significant influence between family coping and the ability to care for autistic children.

There is a significant influence of family coping on the abilities of autistic children. Increasing family coping with stressor management and positive community psychosocial responses with psychosocial acceptance and understanding through education will make the behavior of caring for autistic children and the abilities of autistic children optimal and become independent children.


