Description of Stress Levels and Menstrual Disorders in D3 Nursing Students in Sidoarjo
Stress levels, Menstrual disorders, StudentsAbstract
Health is very important for every human being, because without good health, every human
being will find it difficult to carry out daily activities. Many problems will arise due to neglecting
reproductive health, one of which can cause menstrual disorders. Menstrual disorders can be in the
form of polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, amonerrhea, dysminorhea, and hypermenorhea. This
research design used "Descriptive" Cross Sectional approach. This study aims to describe the level of
stress and menstrual disorders in D3 Nursing Sidoarjo students. The results of the study on 123
respondents showed the stress level of D3 Nursing Sidoarjo students almost half did not experience
disorders (normal) as many as 54 students (44%) the rest experienced stress which was divided into
mild stress, moderate stress, severe stress, and very severe stress. Menstrual disorders in D3 Nursing
Sidoarjo students who experienced amenorahae events as many as 4 students (6%), polimenorrhea
events as many as 16 students (23%), oligomenorrhea events as many as 10 students (14%),
dysminorrhea events as many as 12 students (17%), hypermenorrhea as many as 2 students (3%). The
above research shows that the cause of menstrual disorders based on stress levels is caused by stress
which is divided into mild, moderate, severe and very severe stress that affects hormonal imbalances
and causes menstrual disorders.