Management Of Blood Sugar Control In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Prolanis Working Area Of Tuban Health Center


  • Anggun Khoirun Nisa Pebriani ,Wahyu Tri Ningsih ,Wahyuningsih Triana Nugraheni Tuban Nursing DIII Study Program, Department of Nursing Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya


Management Diabetes Mellitus, Blood Sugar


Abstract. Diabetes mellitus globally is increasing and most common cause of death. Uncontrolled
increases in blood sugar levels can lead to complications and death. A measure to prevent DM
complications is to maintain blood sugar levels within normal limits, but many DM patients have
difficulty maintaining normal blood sugar. This study aimed to determine the management of
controlling blood sugar in type 2 DM patients at Prolanis Health Center Tuban. Descriptive research
design with approach crossectional. The study population was all active prolanis participants
suffering from type 2 DM at Tuban Health Center, totaling 55 people. Using a total sampling
technique and questionnaire instrument. The variable of this study is the management controlling
blood sugar. Data analysis uses distribution and frequency tables. The results showed that most (53%)
of type 2 DM sufferers at Prolanis Health Center Tuban had sufficient education, almost half (49%)
of type 2 DM sufferers had adequate medical nutrition therapy, most (76%) of type 2 DM sufferers
lacking in physical exercise, the majority (73%) of type 2 DM patients are not compliant in
pharmacological interventions.The management of controlling the 4 pillars of blood sugar has not
been fully carried out properly. Education and medical nutrition therapy are sufficient categories
because most DM sufferers are elderly, and they have difficulty receiving and understanding
knowledge. Meanwhile, most physical exercise and pharmacological interventions are lacking and
disobedient, due to lack self-awareness the importance of exercise and drug consumption. This can
lead to uncontrolled blood sugar and complications of DM.
Keywords: Management Diabetes Mellitus, Blood Sugar





