Case Study of Midwifery Care in Mrs.M GIIIP2A0 Trimester III with Pregnancy Distances 10 Years, Labor, New Born, Postpatum, Neonates and Contraceptive Services in a Continuity of Care at PMB “SI” Working Area Klampis PUSKESMAS


  • Kartika Dwi Puspita Sari, Deasy Irawati, Sutio Rahardjo, Anis Nur Laili Department of Midwifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Jl. Pucang Jajar Tengah No. 56, Kertajaya, Kec. Gubeng, City of SBY, East Java 60282


Abstract. Pregnancy is a physiological thing, in multigravida the third trimester
is often called the waiting or alert period because during this period the mother
feels impatient waiting for her baby to be born at any time, but there are several
situations that can pose a risk to pregnancy which are called risk factors. One of
the risk factors in pregnancy is too far between pregnancies. For multigravida
mothers, the physiological pregnancy distance should not be ≥ 10 years or < 2
years from the birth of the first child. This is because in mothers with a birth
interval of ≥ 10 years, it is as if the mother is facing her first pregnancy and
birth again. The method of midwifery care provided is by providing midwifery
care with continuity of care starting from the third trimester of pregnancy,
childbirth and BBL, postpartum, neonate and contraceptive services. Midwifery
care that has been provided with continuity of care starting from the pregnancy
period to contraceptive services has been carried out well and is running
Keywords : Multigravida, Pregnancy Distance, Risk Factors, Midwifery Care





